Helping Your Porcelain Veneers Last a Lifetime | Cosmetic Dentistry | Aliso Viejo, CA


Porcelain veneers are one of the top cosmetic dentistry procedures. The longevity of your porcelain veneers greatly depends on how well you take care of them. Dr. Cramm DDS of Pacific Park Dental in Aliso Viejo, CA offers some suggestions for properly taking care of your porcelain veneers.

Good Oral Care at Home: Brush and floss daily with a nonabrasive toothpaste containing fluoride. Good oral care at home helps prevent periodontitis which can cause your gums to recede. Veneers are placed right at the gum line. If your gums do start to recede the appearance of your veneers could be compromised.

Avoid excessive force: No biting your fingernails, hairpins, ice or hard candy. These types of things can break or dislodge a veneer.

No clenching and grinding your teeth: By grinding your teeth your veneers can be chipped or broken due to the force generated by these actions. If you suffer from bruxism at night, talk to Dr. Cramm about a night guard to protect your teeth and veneers.

Steer Clear of Staining Foods and Drink: Although porcelain veneers are very resistant to staining the cement used to hold them in place can stain over time. Try to avoid coffee, tea, soda, wine and tobacco.

Contact Dr. Cramm DDS 949-831-4193 for more information on porcelain veneers or to make an appointment. Visit his website

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures | Aliso Viejo, CA

Cosmetic dentistry can create the bright natural looking smile you deserve. Whether you are interested in a complete smile design, restoring chipped teeth or want to whiten, we can improve your smile. Cosmetic Dentistry is composed of several different types of dental procedures. Pacific Park Dental in Aliso Viejo, CA offers some information on the cosmetic procedures she offers.

Porcelain Veneers – Fingernail-thin shells are adhered to the front surface of the tooth. Veneers can fix several aesthetic problems with just one treatment.

Whitening – There are at home whitening kits and in office whitening treatments. At-home bleaching kits use carbamide peroxide solutions to oxidize and bleach your teeth.  In-office bleaching (also called chair side, light-activated or one-hour bleaching) uses hydrogen peroxide gels and a heat or light source; these treatments lighten your teeth by six to eight shades in one to three visits, and sometimes less.

Bonding – With the use of bonding gaps, chips, broken teeth, spots and discoloration can all be repaired with bonding. You can regain your smile and confidence.

Invisalign – The invisible way to straighten teeth. Using a series of custom-made, nearly undetectable aligners.

Laser Gum Contouring – Gum contouring removes some of the tissue to eliminate a “gummy” smile.

Whatever cosmetic procedure you are interested in, call the Pacific Park Dental at 949-831-4193. Visit their website at